第一講  生活的科學 The Science of Living


It os not what one has inherited that is important, but what one does with his inheritance in the early years.


Life always seeks to continue, and the life force never yields to external obstacles without a struggle.

第二講  自卑情結 The Inferiority Complex



We must make them(people) understand that they are capable of facing difficulties and solving the problems of life. This is the only way to build self-confidence, and this is the only way the feeling of inferiority should be treated.

第三講  優越情結 The Superiority Complex



Life is like a stream which drags along all the material it can find.


The normal person does not have a superiority complex; he does not even have a sense of superiority.

第四講  人生風格 The Style of Life



It cannot be extirpated altogether, and in fact we do not want to extirpate it because a feeling of inferiority can serve as a useful foundation on which to build.


And in order to understand a person’s future we must understand his style of life.

第五講  早期記憶 Old Remembrances


A study of old remerbrances reveals the situation in its true light.

第六講  態度與行動 Attiudes and Movements


The belief in predestination is in many ways a cowardly escape from the task of striving and build up activity along the useful line. For tjat reason it will prove a false support.


There is no single way in which a jealous person can be useful. We see in jealous the result of a great and deep feeling of inferiority.


The movements themselves are expressed or embedded in attitudes, and the attitudes are an expression of that whole attitude to life which constitutes what we call the style of life.

    輔導書 心理學 阿德勒
    創作者 小葵 的頭像


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