第七講 夢與夢的解析 Dreams and Their Interpretation


Why most people do not underatand their own dreams. The explanation is to be found in the fact that few people know themselves even in waking life.


We should rememberthat the selection of pictures, remembrances and fancies is an indication of the direction in which the mind is moving.


A dream is part of a person’s creative power.

第八講 問題兒童及其教育 Problem Children and Their Education



The children are the teacher’s friend. This should be the ideal development of the child at home and in school, with the school standing midway between the family and the nation.


Everbody can do everthing.


School is like an experiment or acid test, for there it becomes apparent whether or not a child is adjusted to society and its problems. Amistaken style of life often escapes unrecognized at home, but it comes out in school.

第九講 社會問題與社會適應 Social Problems and Social Adjustment



For human life is so limited that we can carry on only if we put together.


The school is the prolonged hand of the family…The true purpose of a school is to build character.

第十講 社會感、常識與自卑情結 Social Feeling, Common Sense and the Inferiority Complex



Success is dependent on courage, and the task of the psychologist is to transform the feeling of despair into a feeling of hopefulness which rallies energies for the performance of useful work.

第十一講  愛情與婚姻 Love and Marriage



Love by itself dose not settle things, for there are all kinds of love. It is only when thre is a proper foundation of equality that love will take thw right course and make marriage a success.


Marriage is a task for two persons.

第十二講 性與性的問題 Sexuality and Sex Problems



The whole form and development of sexuality is dependent upon the personality the style of life and the prototype.


The most difficult road is sometimes the most direct.

第十三講 結語Concusion



Social adjustment is the obverse face of the problem of inferiority. It is because the individual man is inferior and weak that we find human being living in society. Social coperation are therefore the salvation of the individual.

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